When the pulses start, %scepter_explosions_per_pulse% Stinger attack areas are created every %spine_tick_rate%s at random locations, each measuring %scepter_explosion_radius_pct%%% of the Epicenter's current radius, that apply %spine_damage_pct%%% of Stinger damage to enemies hit. Shard pulses cause %shard_explosions_per_pulse% attack(s).
When the pulses start, %scepter_explosions_per_pulse% Stinger attack areas are created every %spine_tick_rate%s at random locations, each measuring %scepter_explosion_radius_pct%%% of the Epicenter's current radius, that apply %spine_damage_pct%%% of Stinger damage to enemies hit. Shard pulses cause %shard_explosions_per_pulse% attacks(s).
When the pulses start, %scepter_explosions_per_pulse% Stinger attack areas are created every %spine_tick_rate%s at random locations, each measuring %scepter_explosion_radius_pct%%% of the Epicenter's current radius, that apply %spine_damage_pct%%% of Stinger damage to enemies hit. Shard pulses cause %shard_explosions_per_pulse% attacks.
When the pulses start, %scepter_explosions_per_pulse% Stinger attack areas are created every %spine_tick_rate%s at random locations, each measuring %scepter_explosion_radius_pct%%% of the Epicenter's current radius, that apply %spine_damage_pct%%% of Stinger damage to enemies hit. Shard pulses cause %shard_explosions_per_pulse% attacks.